Saturday, July 23, 2011

Get Your Xbox Online With a Laptop and Ethernet Cable

Getting Your Xbox Online, this has been something popular to do as of late, but the ask is how do you do it. Well most citizen believe you need to buy an high-priced 0 wireless adapter, but you can also have an Ethernet cable that can hook straight to the back of your Xbox.

The only question with that is your Xbox may not be close adequate to you router to do this. No worries however you can hook up and Ethernet cord to the back of your Xbox and then to your laptop to get online the same way. All you have to do is make a few tweaks in your Xbox and laptop and you will be online in no time.

Xbox HDMI Cable

Also if your Xbox has a question with scratching your disk and putting a ring nearby them you can flip your Xbox to wear it is laying vertical to help with this. Also have you heard of the Red Ring Of Death? Well this is where you see a red ring nearby your Xbox this is not good, and some citizen believe you have to send your Xbox off to Microsoft to get it repaired, but I also have a guide to fix this in about an hour.

A few other things that are foremost to know when you have an Xbox is that the slightest bump or movement can cause the Xbox to scratch the disk. So one way to forestall this that some citizen do not know about is to go into the principles setting of your Xbox and turn it to where the Xbox still continues downloads even when it is off. This will also cause your controller to keep charging if you use a wireless operate that you have to fee up.

Having an Xbox can sometime cause quite a dent in your your pocket but with the right information you can save quite a bit of money by using the Ethernet cable laptop and the simple home heal guide for the red ring of death. Having Xbox Live is a great benefit and you should not miss out on it. It should only take nearby 30 minutes to set up your laptop and Xbox to be online in no time. My guide is very step by step so do not wait any longer get online today.

Get Your Xbox Online With a Laptop and Ethernet Cable

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